Friday, April 01, 2016

Daodejing, Laozi, Chapter 34

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
Chapter 34

"All-pervading is the Great Tao!
It may be found on the left hand and on the right.
All things depend on it for their production, which it gives to them, not one refusing obedience to it.
When its work is accomplished, it does not claim the name of having done it. 
It clothes all things as with a garment, and makes no assumption of being their lord.  
It may be named in the smallest things.
All things return to their root and disappear, and do not know that it is it which presides over their doing so.
It may be named in the greatest things.
Hence the sage is able to accomplish his great achievements.
It is through his not making himself great that he can accomplish them."
-  Translated by James Legge, 1891, Chapter 34   

"The great way flows, such as it may left and right.
All things on earth depend on it for existence, and it never declines,
Meritorious accomplishments yet anonymous.
Clothes and supports all things on earth yet doesn't master.
Always without desire befits the name small.
All things on earth return here, Why?
Not being their master befits the name great.
Because of its ultimate non-self, it becomes great.
Hence it can accomplish its greatness."
-  Translated by Carl Abbott, 2012, Chapter 34  

"The Great Tao (the Laws of the Universe) is universal like a flood.
How can it be turned to the right or to the left?
All creatures depend on it, and it denies nothing to anyone.
It does its work,
But it makes no claims for itself.
It clothes and feeds all,
But it does not rule them
Thus, it may be called "the Little."
All things return to it as to their home,
But it does not rule them 
It may be called "the Great."
It is just because it does not wish to be great
That its greatness is fully realized.
The Complete Thinker would not control the world;
They are in harmony with the world."
-  Translated by John Louis Albert Trottier, 1994, Chapter 34  

"The great Dao flows everywhere.
It goes to the right and it goes to the left.
Myriad beings depend on it to survive,
But it does not interfere with them.
It facilitates but does not gloat.
It nourishes everything, but does not exert control.
Dao has no goal and appears to be insignificant.
Nevertheless, everything relies on it for sustenance, but it exerts no control.
Such action seems to be magnificently great.
Dao has no intention to be great, yet it attains greatness."
-  Translated by Han Hiong Tan, Chapter 34

"The great Tao pervades everywhere, both on the left and on the right.
By it all things came in to being, and it does not reject them.
Merits accomplished, it does not possess them.
It loves and nourishes all things but does not dominate over them.
It is always non-existent; therefore it can be named as small.
All things return home to it, and it does not claim mastery over them;
therefore it can be named as great.
Because it never assumes greatness, therefore it can accomplish greatness."
-  Translated by Ch'u Ta-Kao, 1904, Chapter 34

常無欲, 可名於小.  
萬物歸焉而不為主, 可名為大. 
-  Chinese characters, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 34

ta tao fan hsi ch'i k'o tso yu.
wan wu shih chih erh shêng erh pu tz'u.
kung ch'êng pu ming yu.
yi yang wan wu erh pu wei chu.
ch'ang wu yü, k'o ming yü hsiao.
wan wu kuei yen erh pu wei chu, k'o ming wei ta.
yi ch'i chung pu tzu wei ta.
ku nêng ch'êng ch'i ta.
-  Wade-Giles Romanization, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 34

"Natural Perfection
Ren Ch'eng

The Great Tao is all pervasive;
It could be on your right or on your left.
The ten thousand things depend on it for growth,
And it never lets them down.
It achieves success but is not possessive.
It enfolds and nourishes the ten thousand things,
Yet it does not claim ownership.
Always desireless and covetous of nothing,
It could be termed small.
But as the ten thousand things return to it,
And it does not care to be their lord,
It could be termed great.
Thus the Sage never in life tries to be great,
And for this very reason becomes truly great."
-  Translated by Henry Wei, 1982, Chapter 34  

"The great Tao flows unobstructed in every direction.
All things rely on it to conceive and be born,
and it does not deny even the smallest of creation.
When it has accomplished great wonders,
it does not claim them for itself.
It nourishes infinite worlds,
yet it doesn't seek to master the smallest creature.
Since it is without wants and desires,
it can be considered humble.
All of creation seeks it for refuge
yet it does not seek to master or control.
Because it does not seek greatness;
it is able to accomplish truly great things."
-  Translated by John H. McDonald, 1996, Chapter 34  

"El Tao Eterno penetra todo. 
Está presente a la izquierda y al la derecha.
Y gracias a Tao, todas las almas aparecen, siguen viviendo y siguen desarrolándose.
Aungue Tao es tan grandioso y realiza actos tan grandes, no desea la gloria para para Sí.
Tao educa con amor a todos los seres, no ejerce violencia sobre ellos
     y no insiste en que las personas cumplan Sus deseos.
Tao es Grande, aunque no insiste en esto.
Las personas razonables anhelan alcanzar a Tao, al Grande."
-  Translated by Anton Teplyy, 2008, Capítulo 34

"Great Tao is all-pervading,
At once on left and right
It may be found, and all things wait
On it for life and light.
No one is refused the gift,
And when the work is done
It does not take the name of it,
Nor claim the merit won.
All things it loves and nurses,
But does not strive to own,
Has no desires, and can be named
With the tiniest ever known.
All things return home to it,
But it does not strive to own,
And can be named with the mightiest,
For it is the Tao alone.
And thus the sage is able
To accomplish his great deeds,
To the end he claims no greatness,
And his great work thus succeeds."
-  Translated by Isaac Winter Heysinger, 1903, Chapter 34

Chapter 34, Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu

A Philosopher's Notebooks 

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